All About Me and Being Gluten Free!

Hello, readers! My name is Alexandra Hartman, but y’all can call me Alex. While many blogs are dedicated to travel, makeup, movie or television reviews and more, I want mine to be unique. This blog focuses on Celiac Disease and what it is like living with a silent illness.

I know what might be going through your head: what in the world is Celiac Disease? Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disease where digestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. Yes, it is as scary as it sounds.

When I was 17 years young, I was diagnosed with this serious disease. Fast forward seven years later, after an embarrassing amount of trips taken to the toilet and copious amounts of gluten free chicken nuggets consumed later, I continue to learn things about my body every day that I could have never imagined.

My posts consist of various Celiac Disease related content such as providing numerous personal experiences to explain how I live my life with this sickness. From interviews with fellow celiacs to going in depth on how to cook and bake gluten free dishes, (hooray for gluten free fried chicken!), I hope to shed light on as many topics as I can.

To give more details about myself, I am 23 years old and I study Public Relations and Mass Communication at Texas State University. I live with my boyfriend, James, in New Braunfels, Texas and together we have two dogs named Monty and Riley.

Throughout this journey of documenting my experiences and thoughts on topics relating to my Celiac Disease and the condition in general, I hope to bring awareness to this serious illness as well as provide material for others who live their life similarly to mine.

If you want more information regarding Celiac Disease and everything it involves from research news to living a gluten-free diet, please visit the Celiac Disease Foundation.

Published by hartmanalex

Providing awareness of Celiac Disease one post at a time!

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